Friday, September 28, 2012

Last rant of the night. Why is writing a grant so hard. I feel like they ask the same question over and over again and I don't know how to say it any different than I did in the last answer. Plus this is my first time and I really have no idea what I am doing. I sure hope it doesn't sound to ridiculous!
Brad showed me this video and it is great! I love how simple it is and that is what makes it so funny. I am so excited for this movie to come out!

The adventure for the day is trying to find the worlds greatest cookies, Tim Tams! They are so delicious and I need them for my cultural class on Tuesday. My group is representing Australia. But the problem that I am facing is that there doesn't seem to be any around. I know that they sell them at Christmas time, and though many stores have already put out their holiday decorations, Tim Tams don't seem to be on the shelf yet. I also don't have time to drive around the entire valley looking for them. Which is sad because they would be worth it! I guess I will just have to find another delicious treat to share with the class.

Even Cate Blanchett can't say no to the delicious chocolate covered biscuits!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We tried the Lasagna recipe. It turned out pretty good. I normally love spinach but it gave this one a bit of a strange taste. We added beef though and it was delicious! All in all it turned out pretty good for my very first lasagna!

OK, so here goes another post about cooking. I am constantly looking for something simple to make, the less assembly required the better. In my authoring class today we talked about pod-casting. While looking through the pod-casts available I found one about cooking. It is called and though I know the basics, she offers simple recipes. So tonight I am going to attempt to make her Lasagna. Brad hates ricotta cheese so I will have to find a substitute but we will see how it goes!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today I realized that it has been a while since I have watched a movie. That made me so sad. It is my favorite past time. I hope things will slow down a little because I have such a hankering to sit down and watch the greatest movie ever made, "Some Like it Hot". What a great show. I have been thinking about that movie for a couple of days now and here a just a few examples of what makes that movie so great.
1. Jack Lemmon - I once had a dream that I asked good ol' Jack on a date and he turned me down. It was the most devastating dream I had ever had ha ha.
2.  Billy Wilder
3. 2 men dressing up as women to evade the mob and joining a women's band. Can a plot get any more comic I ask?
Just a little clip to back up my point. Such a great show!! I love how Tony Curtis just owns the character!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Each day I find myself wondering, "What shall I make for dinner today?" I feel that I have already gone through everything I have learned as a child. But that can't be possible right? I find myself trying to re-invent old recipes that I grew up with and I usually always come to the same conclusion, which is, the original tasted better. This makes sense, since that one had been tested and used many times over. So I try to find new things to cook, but looking through recipe books can sometimes feel like working your way through a math book. I skim through the pages and end up closing the book in a frustrated huff. To be completely honest, I really only  look at the pictures and spend most of my time in the dessert section. But I digress. So someone posted on Facebook and I decided to check it out, 'cause "what the heck" right? I have found my new love. It is so handy. You simply insert the ingredients that you have in your fridge and cupboard and it comes up with recipes that you can make with the things you already have. It's awesome! Now if only it could make it for me... But that is another discussion. 

Check out this site!

You'll not regret it!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The best moment of the day:
Whilst sitting in the combined restaurant of A&W and KFC I had the extreme pleasure of watching Bradley do his sexy dance to Aretha Franklin's "Respect"

What a fabulous moment for me and all of the patrons eating their lunch.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What I learned today:
So I came home from school and Brad informed me that he didn't sleep very well last night. Being the loving wife that I am I gave him a very sympathetic look and said, "Oh I'm sorry honey. Why?" and this is how the conversation finished:
"Because I kept waking up."
"I'm sorry. What was waking you up?"
"I kept having the same dream that I was playing a card game."
"Well, was it scary?"
"No, it was boring."
 (insert pause (twist head and make weird face)).... "Aren't boring things suppose to PUT you to sleep?"
"You'd think."

Ha ha, so apparently dull things put you to sleep and dull dreams wake you up.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This is the first post of the Boothe Chronicles.
New exciting things of the day:
1. Liz emailed me a link to the first episode of season 3 of "Downton Abbey" which made me so happy! I'm super excited to watch.
2. Survivor starts tonight. Please let this season be filled with fun contestants, awesome challenges and lots of blindsides (because let's be honest, its the best part of the show).